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West Virginians react to Capitol Hill vote on January 6 inquiry


MORGAN COUNTY, W.Va. (WDVM) — The U.S. Senate will soon decide whether or not there will be an independent commission on the deadly January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. West Virginia’s House delegation on Capitol Hill has weighed in.

The U.S. House voted 252-175 to create an independent commission to investigate the January 6 insurrection.

The West Virginia congressional delegation is divided on this matter. West Virginia’s David McKinley was one of only 35 Republicans to buck party leadership in support of the inquiry. Representatives Alex Mooney and Carol Miller opposed the plan.

What do their constituents think?

Jeff Price, a university professor, said, “It’s a travesty that we had the insurrection that attacked our Congress members. It was a sitting Congress. In session. And members of the public — I call it a domestic terrorist activity.”

On the other hand, opponents like Mooney and Miller say the Justice Department is already investigating. Another inquiry would just be duplicative. Are the folks back home on board with that?

Betsy Armstrong, a homemaker, said, “I think there needs to be as much investigation as possible. I don’t think the Justice Department can do all of it. I think something from Congress supported by both the House of Representatives and the Senate needs to happen.”

Some say Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi would appoint the staff of the panel, even though the commission members would be equally divided between Democrats and Republicans. Might that be reason enough to scuttle the inquiry?

Price said, “They chose to attack our Congress while in session and that should be investigated to the fullest, and the Congress is the body to do that.”

The bill now goes to the Senate, where it is unlikely that it will pass.

There were five deaths after the capitol insurrection. 140 police officers were injured.