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W.Va. U.S. House members vote ‘no’ on impeachment of President Trump


All three of West Virginia’s U.S. House members voted ‘no’ to impeaching President Donald Trump.

On Wednesday, the House voted 232-197 to impeach Trump, with 10 Republicans joining with Democrats to charge him with incitement of insurrection.

West Virginia’s three representatives, Carol Miller, David McKinley and Alex Mooney, all voted against the measure.

Before the vote, Miller issued a statement, saying the Jan. criminal acts carried out against the Capitol and the U.S. Congress “have absolutely no place in our society. “Anyone who carried out the Jan. 6 attack must be held accountable under the law, and anyone who feels compelled to violence going forward must take time to pause and abandon their plans.”

The 3rd District congresswoman added, “America is in desperate need of healing and unity, not further division. President Trump will be leaving office in one week. That is why I will vote today to not impeach President Trump.”

McKinley also issued a statement, saying he would vote “no” on impeachment.

Calling the attack on the U.S. Capitol “disgusting and tragic,” the First District congressman said Trump bears responsibility, but there is enough blame to go around, including the statements of other elected officials, the 24-7 news media that seeks controversy and social media platforms.

“Like anyone else, I am angry about what happened. But history is replete with poor judgments made in anger leading to knee-jerk reactions,” McKinley said.

The congressman said any reading of the Constitution and the Federalist Papers shows that impeachment was intended to be a seldom-used tool done through a deliberative process, not a snap judgment of a majority.

“Both Republicans and Democrats have called for unity in the aftermath of Jan. 6. However, a leading Democrat stated we “can’t have unity without truth”; but how do you find truth without holding hearings or assessing all the evidence? What precedent does this set for the future, when presidents could be subject to a rushed impeachment without due process?” McKinley said.

McKinley asked whether the House impeaching Trump would do anything to prevent further violence from happening, or would it simply inflame an already tense situation.

“Our primary goal should be to ensure a peaceful and smooth transition of power over the next week until Joe Biden is sworn into office on Jan. 20. Ultimately, the people responsible for this heinous act – whether they committed violence or incited the crowds – will be held accountable. But right now, it is imperative that we turn down the temperature and restore calm to this country,” he said.

McKinley said when all the facts are reviewed it may become evident that Trump did commit an impeachable offense, but with the current rushed process the congressman said he can’t make “fairly make that judgment and will vote against the Article of Impeachment today.”

Mooney also voted ‘no’ to impeaching Trump. The 2nd District Republican has been a staunch supporter of the president. On Tuesday, Mooney objected to invoking the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump.