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Rep. Mooney Returns from Congressional Delegation Trip to Taiwan

Washington, DC – Last week, Congressman Alex X. Mooney visited Taiwan as part of a Congressional Delegation trip.

While Communist China has become increasingly authoritarian and belligerent, Taiwan is a free market democracy. Congress has led the way in expressing support for Taiwan by authorizing the continuation of commercial, cultural, and defense relations between the people of the United States and Taiwan.

Congressman Mooney said of the trip, “Taiwan has come under increasing threat from Communist China. Now more than ever it is important for the United States to stand with democratic Taiwan. America has a duty to stand by fellow democracies who are facing aggression from dictatorships. Marxism remains one of mankind’s most evil inventions and has led to the death of millions of innocent people. I know from personal experience as my mother was imprisoned by Fidel Castro and ultimately fled Cuba for America after the communists took over. My father a Vietnam veteran also fought communist aggression. Just as America stood up to and ultimately defeated the Soviet Union, we must be prepared to stand up to our Marxists opponent who are bent on world domination and conquering democratic governments like Taiwan.”

Congressman Mooney added, “It was a pleasure to meet with Taiwanese leaders to convey our support. I was also pleased to hear about the investments that Taiwanese companies are making in West Virginia.”

As part of the trip, Congressman Mooney met with the President of the Legislative Yuan, Taiwanese government minsters and met with American and Taiwanese business leaders.

The Congressman had the opportunity to meet with Director Ricky Lee of the West Virginia Taiwan Office, which was opened in April to serve as a hub for promoting West Virginia as a location for Taiwanese investment and assisting West Virginia businesses with exporting their products and services to Taiwan.

The Congressman met with Taiwanese company Far Eastern New Century, which has a facility in Apple Grove, WV.

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