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Rep. Mooney Condemns Disgusting Abuse of Power Used To Indict President Trump

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Alex X. Mooney issued the following statement about the indictment of President Donald Trump by an extreme radical New York prosecutor looking to make a name for himself. President Trump is the first president in U.S. history to ever face criminal charges after leaving office.

“Today’s disgusting abuse of power by the Manhattan District Attorney is the latest example of the left’s complete disregard for the rule of law. This is an attempt to appease a radical liberal base who personally hates President Donald Trump and his followers. Only in a banana republic does one political party arrest a candidate of the opposing party. Make no mistake, this is a political assault on hard working families, gun owners, veterans and the people that teach their children that there are only two genders.

Meanwhile, misdeeds by Democrats go unprosecuted.

The Manhattan District Attorney is a George Soros-backed radical who refuses to prosecute violent criminals. Instead of scoring political points with his liberal base, he should be going after criminals attacking and maiming law-abiding citizens on the streets of New York. Speaker Kevin McCarthy has directed relevant House committees to begin investigating the politically motivated prosecution of President Trump. House Republicans will investigate any use of federal funds by the Manhattan District Attorney used to carry out this miscarriage of justice. I am proud to stand with President Trump in this fight against tyranny and injustice.”