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Rep. Alex X. Mooney (WV-2) Adds Amendments to the FY16 Interior Appropriations Bill

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Republican Congressman Alex Mooney (WV-2) secured passage of two amendments to the FY16 Interior Appropriations bill.

The first amendment will help strengthen transparency and oversight at the Environmental Protection Agency by providing $1 million in additional funding for the Office of the Inspector General at the EPA.

“Under the current administration, the Environmental Protection Agency has waged an all-out war on jobs in the beautiful Second District of West Virginia and on communities across America, said Rep. Mooney. “The Office of the Inspector General plays a critical oversight role within the EPA. It is the independent office that works diligently to root out waste, fraud, and abuse.

“We take the money from the Office of Public Affairs, which is the office responsible for promoting the Obama administration’s radical environmental agenda, and use it instead for oversight of the Environmental Protection Agency.”

The second amendment that Rep. Mooney passed strikes $2 million in funding from the Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Policy and transfer those funds to the deficit reduction account.

“The Office of Policy is located within the EPA Office of the Administrator and is the primary policy arm for the agency. The funding for this office directly supports this administration’s radical regulatory agenda that is putting an alarming number of my constituents out of work.

“It is clear that the EPA under this administration will continue to promote their anti-coal agenda through an enormous number of rules and regulations. We have to slow this process, and that is why I’ve proposed this amendment to cut the Office of Policy funding by $2 million,” said Rep. Mooney.

For full text of Rep. Mooney’s statements on the floor please contact Meredith Jones at 202-225-2711 or at

Alex X. Mooney represents West Virginia’s Second Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives. He is a member of the Budget and Natural Resources Committees.
