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Pray for our great nation

The Journal

Charles Edgar

Charles Town

A question being debated or questioned by many Christians these days, even in this time, is the following: is the coronavirus pandemic a judgment from God? Many of us can remember great celebration in New York when the legalized taking of the lives of newborn babies was put into effect. As it stands now, half of the human race has been or still is under some form of lockdown, as if suddenly consigned to an involuntary retreat. Millions of people have been or still are constrained to spend more time in close quarters with family members than ever before. Have we sometimes taken for granted our spouse, children, siblings or parents? Have we placed them far down on our list of priorities? Have we sometimes dealt with our own sense of helplessness, fear or frustration by taking it out on them?

On the brighter side, and speaking in the realm of family, which includes the pro-life agenda, we are thankful for a President like President Trump, who has proven his pro-life commitment throughout his first term with many pro-life triumphs. Those include appointing pro-life advocates to his cabinet and administration, restoration of the Mexico City Policy and pledging to veto any legislation that weakens current pro-life laws, or that destroys human life at any stage.


Moving right along on this “brighter side”, we see our own Senator Capito, who has had a 100% pro-life voting record as a Senator. She voted to defund Planned Parenthood and stop government funding of abortion. In fact, West Virginia can boast that all three Congress people have 100% pro-life voting records: David McKinley (1st District), Alex Mooney (2nd District) and Carol Miller (3rd District).

Moreover, the following was a pretty good conclusion as to how “social distancing” did get us to be in familial nearing, an opportunity we may not have often. As we did or still do have a retreat from the world into our homes, we look across the table into the eyes of our loved ones as if for the first time in quite a while. Familial nearing is the flipside of social distancing. We’re discovering anew the significance of the heart and the home.

But, along with reaching out to our own family members, we must consider and do what we can, as did our representatives stated above, to those babies, who were meant by God to be part of a family. A family that would love them! Again, we commend our representatives who have secured a pro-life stance in our own state with the Born-Alive Bill. Lord willing, these babies will one day be part of a loving family.

In closing, most states, including our state, make non-essential, medical procedures, such as my cataract surgery, which was postponed. But yet, abortion that destroys the life of an innocent, unborn baby is called essential. What is wrong with this picture? It would behoove us, I feel, to pray for our great nation in this time of pandemic struggle with COVID-19.