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Mooney Statement on Roe v. Wade SCOTUS Leak

WASHINGTON D.C. – Today, Congressman Alex X. Mooney (WV-02) issued the following statement on the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion surrounding Roe v. Wade.

“Should the draft majority opinion of the United States Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade be issued as a final ruling in the coming weeks, it will be a historic win for the movement to defend and protect preborn babies.  I am proudly pro-life and it is my hope that the court will rule to return the issue of abortion to our elected representatives in the states and eventually stop the horrific practice of abortion once and for all,” said Congressman Alex X. Mooney.

“The unprecedented leak of a draft opinion from the highest court in the land is undoubtedly a political play from the liberals, and a callous attempt to bully judges by means of a public pressure from the Left.”

“As a true conservative, the right to life is a central issue for me.  I hope and pray that innocent life in the womb will soon be protected in America.”