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‘Lawless’ cities shouldn’t get funding

The Inter-Mountain

Liberal cries to defund the police have coincided with civil unrest across the country. Massive cuts and calls for defunding police forces in cities have caused a spike in violent crime rates; crimes that would be preventable with the assistance of the police.

Policing is an essential aspect of keeping communities and citizens safe. If cities choose to ignore civility and instead promote lawless behaviors, why then should they receive funding from the government?

Congressman Alex Mooney is working to keep our communities in West Virginia safe.

The men and women in our police force deserve to be recognized for their incredible dedication and service to our nation.

Congressman Mooney and his colleagues are working in Congress to propose legislation that will prevent further violence.

Congressman Mooney is working each day to ensure that the police force is supported and that violent communities that don’t work to restore the rule of law are not rewarded for their actions through federal monetary support.

Congressman Mooney recently cosponsored the Lawless Cities Accountability Act. This legislation would cut funding to any area that is shown to be lawless. This legislation is meant to encourage law and order across the nation.

As a resident of West Virginia’s 2nd district, I am proud to see Congressman Mooney supporting legislation that helps keep America safe and protected.

John Miller
