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Joe Biden Confirmed at Last Night’s Debate His Policies Would Devastate West Virginia’s Economy

WASHINGTON – Congressman Alex X. Mooney (WV-02) discusses last night’s presidential debate:
“At last night’s presidential debate, former Vice President Joe Biden confirmed his left-wing policies that would continue the Obama-Biden war on West Virginia’s economy. Biden said he would ‘transition’ away from oil. He said in the first presidential debate that ‘nobody’s going to build another coal fire plant in America.’ Fossil fuels are a critical part of our economic engine, creating jobs and prosperity, not only in the Mountain State, but nationwide.
“Biden’s tax plan will increase taxes on hardworking Americans. I am proud to have worked with President Trump to pass the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which reduced taxes and encouraged good-paying jobs to relocate to America. Biden has stated he will repeal the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act,” said Congressman Alex Mooney.