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House Democrats Continue Socialist Spending Spree with Passage of Phase 2 (“Build Back Better”)

WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman Alex Mooney (WV-02) voted against President Biden and Speaker Pelosi’s “Build Back Better” reckless spending plan.

President Joe Biden’s “Build Back Better” socialist spending bill does not cost “zero dollars” as Biden claims and instead costs over $2 trillion and adds $367 billion to the federal deficit.

This “win” was enabled by 13 House Republican sellouts who voted for the companion NON-infrastructure bill. Had House Republicans stuck together on November 6th, Biden/Pelosi’s behemoth of a socialist spending plan would not have been up for a vote tonight.

Inflation is out of control and the Biden administration wants to keep spending your hard-earned taxpayer dollars on the following:

  • Expanding the IRS by 87,000 agents
  • A new tax on natural gas
  • Amnesty for illegal aliens
  • Tax cuts for millionaires in blue states
  • Taxpayer funding for abortion

Again, it was because of the 13 sellout Republicans who voted for the NON-infrastructure bill on November 6th that this socialist Democrat dream bill came up for a vote. Tonight is another sad day for our nation.