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Congressman Mooney Votes Against Abortion on Demand Bill

WASHINGTON – Congressman Alex X. Mooney (WV-02) voted against H.R. 3755 (also known as the “Abortion on Demand Until Birth Act”), which continues Speaker Pelosi and her Democrat allies’ in Congress extreme pro-abortion agenda. This legislation mandates that late term abortion and taxpayer funding of abortion are the law of the land. Conversely, the great State of West Virginia has stood for protecting life and recently passed legislation banning infanticide when it passed on a bi-partisan basis the “Born Alive” Act in 2020.

Today, the U.S. House passed the most radical pro-abortion legislation in its history. Speaker Pelosi and extreme Democrats are openly supporting late term abortion,” said Congressman Mooney. “Count on me to oppose Washington Democrats’ plans to force taxpayer funded abortion on demand. I believe in the sanctity of life and will continue to fight for the rights of preborn babies.”