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Congressman Mooney Statement on White House Budget Proposal


Monday February 2, 2015


CONTACT: Meredith Jones

PHONE: 202-225-2711



Congressman Alex Mooney (WV-2) Statement on White House Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON, DC – Republican Congressman Alex Mooney (WV-2), a member of the House Committee on the Budget, released the following statement today on President Obama’s proposed 2015 budget.

"As usual, the President is playing politics rather than offering serious solutions to the American people.  The President’s irresponsible plan calls for nearly $4 trillion in federal spending while running a $474 billion deficit.  The plan also calls for $320 billion in new taxes on the American people.  The President’s plan for higher taxes and reckless spending will hurt hardworking taxpayers.”

President Obama released details of his 2015 budget today and is expected to release the full budget plan later in the day. 

The nonpartisan Heritage Foundation projects the national debt would reach $25 trillion by 2024 under the President’s proposed plan.  The current national debt is estimated at $18 trillion, which is roughly $56,000 for every citizen of the United States.

The President’s budget includes $7.4 billion in alternative energy investment and permanent tax credits for solar and wind production.  The proposal expands the War on Coal with a $4 billion fund to reward states for drastic carbon emission reductions.  

“The President’s plan provides tax breaks for his political allies in Washington while hardworking West Virginia taxpayers struggle to balance their household budgets.”

“As a member of the House Budget Committee, I will use my position to advocate for a plan which actually balances the federal budget and provides relief for West Virginia families.”