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Congressman Mooney Praises Passage of Pro-Life Legislation

(Washington, D.C) Today, the new Republican majority in the House of Representatives took action to condemn violent attacks against pro-life institutions and protect born-alive abortion survivors. Congressman Alex X. Mooney was proud to vote in favor of both pro-life bills.

The House passed H. Con. Res 3 – Expressing the sense of Congress condemning the recent attacks on pro-life facilities, groups, and churches. There have now been nearly 80 recorded acts of violence and intimidation against pro-life individuals and organizations by radical pro-abortion activists since the initial leak of the draft Supreme Court Dobbs opinion. Crisis pregnancy centers provide crucial assistance to mothers, babies and families in need. These attacks threaten harm to innocent people and drain resources that could save babies. This resolution calls on the Biden Administration to investigate these violent political attacks and stand for law and order. Unfortunately, this common sense resolution condemning violence passed on a nearly party-line vote with only three Democrats supporting it.

The House also passed H.R 26 – The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. This legislation requires appropriate medical care for children who survive abortion procedures and imposes strong criminal penalties on medical providers for failure to provide such care. Sadly, less than half of the states have sufficient protections in place for born-alive abortion survivors.

Congressman Mooney has been a champion of pro-life issues while in Congress and is proud to vote in favor of these measures. Congressman Mooney issued the following statement on the passage of the resolution and H.R 26:

“After two-years of House Democrats and the Biden Administration fighting for radical, abortion-on-demand until the moment of birth, I’m proud the House Republican majority has made standing up for life a top priority. When I ran for Congress, I made a commitment to the people of the Second Congressional District of West Virginia that I would do everything in my power to defend the preborn. This resolution demands the Biden Administration stand up for the rule of law and prosecute individuals who terrorize and threaten to harm pro-life activists and organizations. I will continue this Congress to defend the innocent and give a voice to the voiceless.”