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Congressman Alex X. Mooney (WV-2) Introduces the End Government Shutdowns Act

WASHINGTON D.C. – Congressman Alex X. Mooney introduced H.R. 3776, the End Government Shutdowns Act. The End Government Shutdowns Act will bring certainty and security to the federal spending process by eliminating the threat of government shutdowns.

“For the last 18 budget cycles, since 1997, Congress has failed to pass spending bills on time through the regular appropriations process. This has resulted in several federal government shutdowns, hasty budget agreements, economic uncertainty, and disruptions in services for many hardworking taxpayers; our country cannot continue to operate like this,” said Rep. Mooney.

The End Government Shutdowns Act will put an end to this government funding chaos by providing an automatic Continuing Resolution, also known as a CR, for any of the twelve regular appropriations bills not completed by October 1. Once 120 days have elapsed, the federal budget will be trimmed by 1 percentage point. Each 90 day period thereafter, congressional spending will receive an additional 1 percent cut. These cuts will place pressure on the federal funding process without shutting down the government.

This proposal does not play favorites among liberal or conservative spending priorities. This will serve as a critical incentive for both sides to come together and solve America’s spending challenges in an equitable manner.

Alex X. Mooney represents West Virginia’s Second Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives. He is a member of the Budget and Natural Resources Committees.
