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Congressman Alex X. Mooney (WV-2) Floor Speech on the Life at Conception Act

WASHINGTON D.C. – Today, Congressman Alex X. Mooney spoke on the floor of the House of Representatives to call for the sanctity of all human life and to encourage his colleagues in the House to co-sponsor H.R. 816, the Life at Conception Act.

“Every life is sacred. That’s why I am honored to be the lead sponsor of H.R. 816, the Life at Conception Act. The Life at Conception Act is a necessary component in the long term protection of the unborn.  This bill sets a standard for promoting and encouraging a culture of life. If enacted, this bill would just affirm that unborn children are deserving of protection.” said Rep. Mooney. 

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Alex X. Mooney represents West Virginia’s second congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives. He is a member of the Budget and Natural Resources Committees.
