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Congressman Alex X. Mooney (WV-02) Praises Clean Power Plan Reversal

Congressman Alex X. Mooney (WV-02) Praises Clean Power Plan Reversal 

Washington, DC- Today, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt announced he would reverse the job-killing so-called Clean Power Plan that threatened thousands of West Virginia jobs. Congressman Mooney released the following statement:

“President Donald Trump continues to keep his promises to West Virginia by rolling back this Obama-era extreme environmental regulation. The so-called Clean Power Plan was a nightmare for the West Virginia coal industry and would increase home energy prices for American consumers.

For eight years, former President Barack Obama waged an all-out war on coal and West Virginia values. As unemployment skyrocketed and coal mines closed, President Obama and his left-wing supporters focused on executing on his promise to bankrupt the coal industry.

Thankfully, President Trump realizes that we can reduce burdensome regulations on energy production and protect our environment,” said Rep. Mooney.