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Congressman Alex X. Mooney to Introduce Resolution for GOP to support Election Fraud Investigations and to Support President Trump

WASHINGTON – Congressman Alex X. Mooney (WV-02) will introduce a resolution at the House Republican Conference meeting this morning at 9 AM. The resolution calls on House Republicans to support President Trump’s efforts to count every legal vote cast in the 2020 United States Presidential Election and investigate and punish voter fraud. House GOP Conference members should not prematurely call on President Trump to concede before these investigations are complete.
“I hope my House GOP colleagues today choose to adopt this resolution supporting President Trump’s efforts to count every legal vote and investigate and punish election fraud. I call on my fellow colleagues in the House GOP Conference to join me in sending a strong, united message of support for President Trump. No Republican member should prematurely call on President Trump to concede before these investigations are complete,” said Congressman Alex X. Mooney.
The House Republican Conference will vote whether or not to move forward with Congressman Mooney’s resolution at today’s meeting. Congressman Mooney will be also introducing a resolution for consideration by the entire House. 