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Congressman Alex X. Mooney Statement on Left-Wing $3 Trillion Spending Bill

May 15, 2020

Congressman Alex X. Mooney Statement on Left-Wing $3 Trillion Spending Bill

WASHINGTON — Today Congressman Alex X. Mooney (WV-02) issued the following statement on H.R. 6800:
“House Democrats’ $3 trillion spending bill is a left-wing wish list passed under the guise of coronavirus relief legislation. From federal government mandates hijacking our state-run election system to anti-work provisions that destroy jobs, Speaker Pelosi is clearly more concerned about appeasing her liberal base rather than assisting everyday Americans.
“Instead of protecting lives during this pandemic, liberal Democrats voted to give taxpayer money to abortion providers. Under the Paycheck Protection Program eligibility adjustments in this bill, Planned Parenthood would likely qualify for loans intended for small businesses. Additionally, this bill does not contain the Hyde Amendment necessary to prevent taxpayer funds from being used to pay for abortions.
“This legislation is filled with agenda-driven funding unrelated to COVID-19. As an example, $50 million is given to the EPA in ‘environmental justice grants’ that would likely be used to attack coal, natural gas, and oil produced in America. This funding aims to restart former President Obama’s War on Coal.
“H.R. 6800 is a partisan pork barrel spending package that includes benefits for illegal immigration that could otherwise be used for American citizens. While hardworking Americans are faced with a suffering economy, House Democrats are focused on pushing through a $3 trillion bill to fund sanctuary cities. We should be working to restore American’s economy and help struggling Americans instead of passing a left-wing wish list that includes taxpayer funding of abortions and benefits for illegal immigrants,” said Congressman Mooney.