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Congressman Alex X. Mooney Statement on Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act

WASHINGTON – After leaving the U.S. House of Representatives voting session today, Congressman Alex X. Mooney (WV-02) releases the following statement on the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act.

This global health crisis has burdened businesses, both large and small, throughout West Virginia and the nation. This legislation will help cover immediate operating costs for businesses, prevent workers from losing their jobs, provide tax relief and additional unemployment support. In West Virginia, telehealth services will be expanded to rural health centers, home health and hospice. Medical providers will also receive personal protective equipment.

“The CARES Act that passed today will help maintain the health, safety and security of families and small businesses across West Virginia. Thank you President Trump for your excellent leadership on behalf of the sick, the elderly and businesses all facing this pandemic. I commend the great work of law enforcement, first responders and healthcare professionals who are on the frontlines each day battling this virus.

“Because this legislation adds at least $2 trillion to the already $23 trillion U.S. national debt, Congress needs to focus on paying off our country’s debt and balancing our budget going forward. Taxpayers already face interest payments annually of about a half a trillion dollars on our national debt. America will now be forced to borrow more money from countries like China and Russia or print more money which devalues our currency. The CARES Act alone is more than the budgets of all 50 states combined. Our priority today was the immediate well-being of the American people, but this does not negate the fact that we will need to directly address the debt with a plan for the months and years to come,” said Congressman Mooney.
