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Congressman Alex X. Mooney Statement on Continuing Resolution (CR)

WASHINGTON – The House of Representatives passed H.R. 5305 – FY22 Continuing Resolution (CR). The bill will keep the government funded through December 3, 2021. Congressman Alex X. Mooney (WV-02) voted against the bill and called for regular order to return to the appropriations process.

“It has been a chaotic week in Washington. Speaker Pelosi has spent the past few days trying to push President Biden’s partisan spending agenda through the House. Democrats in both chambers have no problem formulating plans to raise taxes and increase spending. The only outreach that has recently been made to the Republican side came in the form of a request to help raise the debt ceiling,” said Congressman Mooney. “CRs and constantly increasing the debt ceiling to grow the national credit limit is simply an unacceptable way to run a government. Spending bills should be subject to an open and transparent process, and we must return to the regular appropriations process that was once standard in the House.”