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Congressman Alex X. Mooney Objects to Speaker Pelosi’s Attempt to Call on Vice President Pence to Invoke the 25th Amendment by Unanimous Consent

WASHINGTON – Congressman Alex X. Mooney (WV-02) today issued the following statement after objecting to Speaker Pelosi’s attempt to adopt via unanimous consent a resolution calling on Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump:
“Today I objected to Speaker Pelosi’s attempt to adopt via unanimous consent a resolution calling on Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump. Speaker Pelosi should not attempt to adopt a resolution of this magnitude without any debate on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives. It is wrong to have sent members of Congress home and then try to adopt without any debate a precedent-setting resolution that could imperil our Republic. The U.S. House must never adopt a resolution that demands the removal of a duly elected president, without any hearings, debate or recorded votes,” said Congressman Alex Mooney.