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Congressman Alex X. Mooney Calls on House to Stay in Washington and Get to Work

WASHINGTON – Congressman Alex X. Mooney joins his Freedom Caucus colleagues in calling for Congress to stay in session until a new Speaker is elected. Two weeks ago, Congressman Mooney sent a letter to Acting Speaker Patrick McHenry calling on him to keep the House in session until all twelve government spending bills are passed.

Since that time, the House has taken several recesses while in search of a conservative Speaker and failed to pass anything.

Congressman Alex X. Mooney said, “House Republicans must elect a Speaker to get back to working on behalf of the American people and we should not leave D.C. until we elect one. The Republican House Majority was elected to disrupt the status quo of Continuing Resolutions and bloated spending bills. House Republicans failed those who gave us the majority by not passing our 12 spending bills on time. We risk failing them again by not electing a Speaker in a timely manner.”