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Congressman Alex X. Mooney Calls on Acting Speaker McHenry to Keep House in Washington and Get to Work

WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman Alex X. Mooney sent a letter to Acting Speaker Patrick McHenry calling on him to keep the House in Washington this week and through the weekend, if necessary, in order to elect a new Speaker and pass more government spending bills.
The House has already passed four single-subject spending bills that account for over 70 percent of federal funding using hard-earned taxpayer dollars. Just last week, our Republican Majority proved that we can quickly pass complex spending plans within days. Members of Congress are fully capable of working late nights and weekends to get the job done.

Congressman Mooney said in the letter, “Government funding expires on November 18, 2023. Republican Leadership wisely cancelled the October district work period to allow for more time for the House to pass all 12 single-subject spending bills—something that should have happened before the end of the previous fiscal year.”

Mooney added, “The American people elected a Republican House Majority to disrupt the status quo of Continuing Resolutions and bloated omnibus spending bills. We must return to regular order by passing single-subject spending bills. House Republicans failed those who gave us the majority by not passing our 12 spending bills on time. We risk failing them again by wasting more time to complete our work.”

Representatives Lauren Boebert, Matt Rosendale and Andy Harris have signed the letter.