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Congressman Alex Mooney (WV-2) Speaks in Support of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Republican Congressman Alex Mooney (WV-2) spoke on the House floor in support of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. The bill outlaws most abortions after 20 weeks when scientific consensus says unborn babies feel excruciating pain.

“This legislation shouldn’t be controversial,” said Mooney. “It simply protects unborn babies that a preponderance of scientific evidence has proven can feel pain. A clear majority of Americans and West Virginians support this ban.”

“As a father of three young children, I am constantly reminded what a blessing children are. Protecting the unborn is one of the issues that compelled me to run for political office in the first place and I am committed to continuing the fight in Congress.

A growing number of states have recently enacted similar legislation banning post-20 week abortions.

“I am thankful to come from a state where the pro-life movement is thriving and the rights of the unborn are being restored,” said Congressman Mooney. “In fact, just this past February, the West Virginia Legislature passed our own Pain Capable Unborn Protection Act by wide, bipartisan margins.”

Congressman Mooney is also the lead sponsor of the Life at Conception Act. The bill defines life as beginning at conception entitling the unborn to protection under the Constitution.

Today’s vote in the House of Representatives on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act coincides with the anniversary of the conviction of Kermit Gosnell, the abortionist who was convicted of gruesomely killing three babies post-birth as well as hundreds of lesser charges. 

To view the video of Congressman Mooney's speech, click here