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Congressman Alex Mooney Statement on Government Funding Bill

Congressman Alex Mooney Statement on Government Funding Bill

Today, The House of Representatives passed H.R. 1625, the Consolidated Appropriations Act. Congressman Alex Mooney voted against the bill and released the following statement:

“One reason I voted against the Omnibus spending bill is it adds over $1 trillion to the national debt.

Representatives were given less than 24 hours to read an over 2,200-page bill. This bill was written behind closed doors without the type of input Americans expect and deserve from their Representatives. 

Yesterday, just before midnight, I personally attended the Rules Committee hearing to offer an amendment to the bill that would have eliminated funding for abortion provider Planned Parenthood. Unfortunately, the amendment was rejected by the Rules Committee. My amendment, along with many others offered, were prevented from even receiving a vote on the House floor.

I also oppose the anti-Second Amendment provision in the bill, known as “Fix NICS.” This provision allows unelected bureaucrats to revoke Second Amendment rights from citizens without due process guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution.

Finally, this funding bill fails to deliver on the promises we made to voters. For example, this bill:

  • Fails to fund President Trump’s Border Wall
  • Fully funds grants that go to abortion provider Planned Parenthood
  • Allows funding for sanctuary cities for illegal immigrants
  • Neglects to replace or reduce Obamacare’s burdensome regulations
  • Fails to include concealed reciprocity for law abiding Americans

Last year, I voted for all 12 appropriations bills to fully fund government for the entire year. Those bills went through an open and transparent process and reflect the values of West Virginians”, said Congressman Mooney.

