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Congressman Alex Mooney Secures Three Proposals in House Budget


Tuesday March 17, 2015


CONTACT: Meredith Jones

PHONE: 202-225-2711



Congressman Alex Mooney Secures Three Proposals in House Budget

Proposals will protect West Virginia Jobs and Cut Federal Waste

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the House Committee on the Budget released a Balanced Budget for a Stronger America.  The House Budget includes three items Congressman Alex Mooney proposed: defunding new stream buffer regulations, defunding new ozone standard regulations and defunding the Legal Services Corporation.     

“As a freshman member of the House Budget Committee, I worked to deliver on West Virginia priorities, balance the federal budget, and reduce the size and scope of an overreaching federal government,” said Congressman Mooney.

“I successfully led three budget proposals through the committee process that are now included in the final House budget released today.  The first two will stop the President’s War on Coal in its tracks and the third cuts unnecessary federal spending.”

“The President and his radical allies are intent on killing coal with new overreaching stream buffer and ozone standard regulations.  Stopping new regulatory overreach from this administration is good policy for all hard-working taxpayers in West Virginia and my proposals included in the House budget will protect tens of thousands of coal jobs in West Virginia.”

“I also proposed defunding the Legal Services Corporation, an agency which operates far outside its original mandate after decades absent of any congressional oversight,” said Congressman Mooney.

Greater detail and key statistics on Congressman Mooney’s House Budget proposals can be found here.

The House Budget will go through a final committee mark-up tomorrow and is expected to go to a floor vote before the entire House of Representatives next week.  It is expected the Senate will pass their own budget and a conference committee will be established to reconcile the two.  
