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Congressman Alex Mooney Co-Sponsors Bill to Authorize Keystone XL Pipeline


Friday January 9, 2015


CONTACT: Jon Conradi

PHONE: 202-225-2711


Congressman Alex Mooney (WV-2) Co-Sponsors Bill to Authorize Keystone XL Pipeline

WASHINGTON, DC – Republican Congressman Alex Mooney (WV-2) has co-sponsored the bill expected to be voted on by the U.S. House of Representatives today to authorize construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline.

This will mark the tenth time the Republican House has voted to pass the project which promises to bring thousands of jobs to the interior of our nation and dramatically improve our energy infrastructure. The Republican Senate is also expected to swiftly consider authorizing construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline.

“Energy infrastructure is not only a critical component of West Virginia’s future but of the future economic security of the United States. I fully support building the Keystone XL pipeline and I am proud to join my colleagues in voting to authorize its construction; despite the political posturing of the President.”

Earlier this week the President indicated he would veto legislation authorizing the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline despite the expectation the bill will is supported by business groups, organized labor, bipartisan majorities of Congress, and a majority of the American people.

“This is exactly the kind of obstructionism the American people are tired of from their government. This past fall they spoke clearly on the priorities they want to see addressed by their representatives.  When Keystone passes the House and Senate I hope the President will reconsider his pledge to extremist environmentalists and will sign this bill into law for the good of the American people.”

“Rolling back the President’s, and his EPA’s, wider war on American energy is a top priority for me.  West Virginians’ jobs and quality of life are intricately tied to energy infrastructure, exploration, and development.  It is time the President and the EPA get out of the way and allow the people of our state access to the prosperity their natural resources can grant them.”

Congressman Mooney is a Member of the House Natural Resources Committee, and has co-sponsored the bill alongside Rep. Kevin Kramer of North Dakota.