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Congressman Alex Mooney Statement on Immigration

Congressman Alex Mooney Statement on Immigration   

Yesterday, I met with President Donald Trump and I support his efforts to work with Congress to keep families together and secure our border.

Americans elected President Trump on the promise of securing America’s porous borders. The President is responsible for enforcing the laws that Congress has passed. In an effort to protect children from abusive situations, previous administrations and Congress passed laws to require the separation of minors and adults at the border.

I am a cosponsor of H.R. 4760, the Securing America’s Future Act, which offers legal status to the approximately 690,000 people brought to the United States as children—known as the DACA children.

Furthermore, the bill fully funds President Trump’s request for the border wall with Mexico. H.R. 4760 also replaces the visa lottery program with a merit based system, encourages local and state governments to work with the federal government to enforce our immigration laws, ends chain migration and takes funding away from sanctuary cities.

As for the recently filed H.R. 6136, commonly referred to as the Paul Ryan compromise plan, I am still in the process of reviewing the legislation and listening to the input from my constituents before making a decision as to how I vote.

I look forward to continuing to work with my colleagues in the U.S. House of Representatives and President Donald Trump to address our long-term immigration policies,” said Congressman Mooney.  
