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Congressman Alex Mooney Appointed to Influential Sub-Committees on Natural Resources


Thursday January 15, 2015


CONTACT: Jon Conradi

PHONE: 202-225-2711


Congressman Alex Mooney (WV-2) Appointed to Influential Sub-Committees on Natural Resources

WASHINGTON, DC – Chairman Rob Bishop (UT-1) of the House Committee on Natural Resources announced the appointment today of Republican Congressman Alex Mooney (WV-2) to the Energy and Mineral Subcommittee and the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee on Natural Resources.

“I am very excited to get to work on these committees whose purpose is so critical to West Virginia.  Our state is blessed to be abundant in natural resources.  I look forward to using my position on these committees fighting so that West Virginians are able to safely seek prosperity from our natural bounty.”

The primary function of the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources is to administer policy on mining and energy production on federal lands, both on and offshore.

The Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigation is a newly created committee with the purpose of overseeing the regulatory agencies of the Executive Branch. 

“Given the radical environmentalist record of President Obama’s EPA, this new committee will be critical in protecting West Virginian jobs from arbitrary and over-reaching regulatory bureaucrats.  Everyone supports clean air and water, but the President’s EPA has declared war on West Virginian jobs to please activists and special interests in Washington.  I look forward to serving as a relentless voice to rein in the EPA and protect jobs in West Virginia.”