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Congressman visits Randolph County Housing Authority Learning Center

On Tuesday, Congressman Alex X. Mooney visited the Randolph County Housing Authority Learning Center. The organization provides workforce education that is focused on providing short-term training, allowing a participant to enter the workforce quickly.  Supportive Services Program Manager Jennifer Griggs accompanied Rep. Mooney on a tour of the facility.

Recently, The Health Resources and Services Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services awarded the Randolph County Housing Authority $1,544,884 through its new Targeted Health Instruction of North Central West Virginia educational program. Rep. Mooney was proud to offer congressional backing for the grant through a letter of support.

The Targeted Health Instruction of North Central West Virginia educational program will be available regionally in Randolph, Upshur, Tucker, Lewis, Webster and Barbour counties. New classes that will be available through the program include Clinical Medical Assistant, Community Health Worker, Behavioral Health Technician, Billing and Coding, and Electronic Health Records.

For more information about the program, contact Jennifer Griggs at 304-636-6495 (ext. 138) or by email at